About Me
What else?
Feb.16th 2025
Welcome to any and all that have stumbled upon my website! Thank you for being here. My pronouns are she/they. I live in the US and am attending college currently. I'll be turning 23 this year!
Current Favorites!
Feb.9th 2025
Hello to all joining me here! I go by Keara!
These are my good day shoes!

Current To-Do List!
I'm falling behind in School, so the geesehut taken a backseat but I'm actively working on improving my skills and making minor progress in the meantime!
- linking all of the sites together well
- Creating the wardobe interactions!(learn JS/game dev)
- Illustrate more to add to the museum!(Add a game exhibit?)
- Begin creating resource pages and compiling information in visually effective ways
- Wireframe sites for Goose Town
Fun Fact
I'm a bit scared of geese :)